  • The Camas seperation technology is so precise that particles with density differences as small as 2% can be separated. At this level of precision it is possible to remove mycotoxin-contaminated kernels (such as vomitoxin or DON in small grains and Aflatoxin in corn), foreign matter and other undesirable materials usually missed by other cleaning equipment. Our unique sorting ability also provides a powerful tool for quality control and product formulation. In contrast, gravity tables require desity differences of at least 13% to operate; but healthy and contaminated products rately exhibit density differentials of this magnitude. As a result the Camas separator can operate with a far lower reject rate, savings up to 25% more good product from rejects than alternative equipment. Although the Camas separator is the most accurate high-capacity machine on the market, it can actually save on operating expenses by replacing several pieces of less efficient equipment, saving valuable floor space as well as lowering maintenance costs. Because of the precisely controlled air distribution system that is used to fluidize the product stream, the dust control system requires far less CFM of air than traditional air legs, concentrators, sifters, gravity tables and de-stoners. The combined savings from increased product yield, lower operating costs, and lower air requirements for dust control adds up to a significant competitive advantage for owners of the Camas separator, and a quick payback on the machine, usually six to fifteen months!!

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